Fort Atkinson Public Library Survey

Renew an Item

This page will help you to renew your item/s in our catalog.


1. Open our catalog by clicking the Search Catalog banner Screenshot 2023-04-13 at 13-57-15 Fort Atkinson Public Library Fort Atkinson Public Library.png or click on this link.

2. Log in to the catalog. If you need help, check here or call 563-534-2222.

3. At the top right hand corner of the page, click 'My Account.'

InkedScreenshot 2023-04-14 at 10-20-13 Catalog — Fort Atkinson Public Library — Account Info.jpg


4. From there, click 'Items out/Renewal' tab. This will show you what you currently have checked out.

InkedScreenshot 2023-04-14 at 10-24-19 Catalog — Fort Atkinson Public Library — Items Out _ Renewals.jpg


5. Click the renew button to the right of the item. If you have an interlibrary loan item out, that cannot be renewed online. Please call the library 563-534-2222 to renew. The Renew button will be replaced with 'Successfully renewed' and the due date will change when successful.


If you have questions or need help, please call 563-534-2222.